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Sample Report: Event Registrar - Single Registration or Session Option

To create a Custom Report which only displays the registrants who have purchased a Registration or Session Option for a specific event:

  1. Click the Account link located in the top right corner of your GiftTool BackOffice account.
  2. Click Custom Report.
  3. To create a new report, click Add Custom Report.
  4. On page 1:
    • Select a date range for your report by clicking the Date Picker icons.
    • Enter the Report Name.
    • Select the currency of the transactions to be displayed.
    • Net Orders: Check the box to have your report provide the summary of all order modifications or order cancellations to the original order. Net Orders will show a single line for the registratant with a final summary of their order. Selecting Net Orders is useful to view the final Balance Due owed by your registrants. Alternatively, unchecking Net Orders, will provide a list of each individual order processed for this participant, including the original order and any subsequent order modifications or cancellations.
    • One row per order: Check the box to have all information for an order displayed on a single line, with Registration Options, Session Options, Additional Items, or answers to questions grouped in a single cell for each item type. Unchecking this box will place any additional Registration Options, Session Options, Additional Items, or answers to questions in a new row.
    • For GiftTool Services: check "Event Registrar"
    • For Also Include: check whatever you wish to display (e.g. Report header, Items purchased, Balance Due, and Profile fields). You can always disable these once you have seen the report.
    • Click Next
  5. On page 2 – determine the columns shown:
    • Try moving all the fields into the “Show Columns”. Once you have seen the report, delete unnecessary columns as required by dragging them back to the "Don't show columns" list.
    • Click Next
  6. On page 3:
        Condition Field Operator Value
       1 Activity equals **Type the name of the event as written in your event setup
       2 Item Name equals **Type the name of the Registration or Session option as written in your event setup
    • In row 1 - Create a filter to restrict data to a single event by selecting the Field, Operator and typing the Valueas shown in Condition 1 above.
      • The Value is case sensitive, and must not include extra spaces or other characters.
      • When entering the Value, type the name of the event exactly as it is written in your event setup. For example, copy the name from your event setup and paste the precise name of the event in the Value field. Be careful not to paste extra spaces. Alternatively, you can run the report without this filter, then you can see which Activity Name you want to filter on and copy/paste the exact value into your filter.
    • In row 2 - Create a filter to restrict data to those who have purchased a sepcific Registration or Session Option by selecting the Field, Operator and typing the Valueas shown in Condition 2 above.
      • The Value is case sensitive, and must not include extra spaces or other characters.
      • When entering the Value, type the name of the Registration or Session option exactly as it is written in your event setup (case sensitive). For example, copy the Registration or Session Option name from your event setup and paste the precise name of the option in the Value field. Be careful not to paste extra spaces. Alternatively, you can run the report without this filter, then you can see which Item Name you want to filter on and copy/paste the exact value into your filter.
  7. Click Save & Runto view your report.
    • Review the Excel and determine which columns you do not need. Repeat step 5 to remove unnecessary columns, and rearrange the remaining columns to your liking.
    • Use your computer functions, to print or save a copy of the report.
    • Having difficulty viewing Excel reports?
  • If you first run the report without any filters, you can see which data you want to filter on and copy/paste the exact value into your filter.
  • Filters are "AND"ed together if no advanced filter logic is provided.
  • For ID fields, the prefix letter (R, S, D, etc) before the ID cannot be filtered on. Instead filter on the Service field (Registrar, Shop, Donations, etc).
  • Date values must be in the form YYYY-MM-DD.

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