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Can I auto-populate my donation appeal form with donor or other data?

Do you want to auto-populate the donation amount, currency, targeted giving program or fund name on your donation form?

Do you have a custom application where you are already collecting donor information? If so, do you want to make it easier for your donors to quickly make a donation without re-entering their contact information?

Just customize your appeal links with the information you wish to pass through, to automatically populate your donation form with the donation amount, specific Targeted Giving Program, Fund Name, currency or contact information.

Just add the following code to pass through the desired data:

  Add the following code to your appeal link, along with the data to be included Data which will be passed through For Example

General Info

  &Amount= Donation amount Add &Amount=100.00 to your donation appeal link, to auto-populate the form with $100.00 entered in the Contribution Amount box. See example
Or add &Amount=29.99 to your donation appeal link, to auto-populate the form with $29.99 entered in the Contribution Amount box. See example
  &PID= Targeted Giving Program ID Add &PID=2157 to your donation appeal link, to auto-populate the form with only the Targeted Giving Program #2157 for "Mars Kids Toy Fund" displayed. See example
  &CC= Currency Code
Add &CC=USD to your donation appeal link, to auto-populate the form with only the USD currency displayed. See example
**Make sure your account is enabled to process donations in this currency.
  &TrackId= Track Id Add &TrackId=Newsletter20120921 to your donation appeal link, to automatically record "Newsletter20120921" in the Track Id column of your Custom Orders reports when a donation is made using this link.
The Track Id can be any value of your choosing (letter and numbers). Use any combination of alpha-numeric letters or numbers, but do not include any spaces or other characters/symbols in the string added to your link. See example
NOTE: "&TrackId=" is case sensitive so it must be a capital T and capital I, with a lower case d after the I. This is different from all the other IDs in the link where both letters are capitalized.
  &Fund= Fund Name

Add &Fund=Mars%20Kids%20Foundation%20%26%20Toy%20Drive to your donation appeal link, to automatically record "Mars Kids Foundation & Toy Drive" in the Fund Name column of your Total Orders and Custom Orders reports when a donation is made using this link.

Optionally, when you add the predefined template variable ORDER_FUND anywhere in your Donation Appeal form, the ORDER_FUND code will be automatically replaced by the Fund Name that you have added to your link using &Fund= plus the name of the fund. You can also add the ORDER_FUND variable to your On-Screen Confirmation message, Thank You email and Canadian eTax Receipt email. Learn More

See example

IMPORTANT - when adding the fund name to your URL immediately after &Fund=:

  • You can ONLY use letters, digits, underscores, dashes, spaces, ' and ampersands (surrounded by spaces and represented by the code %26).
  • You will NOT be able to use any other symbols or punctuation.
  • When using an apostrophe ' symbol, as in Kid's Foundation, it's important to type the apostrophe using your key board in the Fund Name rather than copy text over from Outlook, Word etc. as Microsoft will transform the single quote ' to a slanted apostrophe symbol which will NOT work.
  • When including an ampersand sign (&), you MUST represent the "&" symbol using the URL code %26. Additionally, there MUST to be a space on either side of the ampersand, for example you cannot have "Bob&Jane" but you can have "Bob & Jane". This would be represented in the link as Bob %26 Jane or Bob%20%26%20Jane
  • There is a maximum of 255 characters, which includes the %20 code for blank spaces or the %26 code for ampersands.

Donor Contact Info

  &Email= Email Address Add & to your donation appeal link, to auto-populate the form with this email address. See example
  &FirstName= First Name Add &FirstName=John to your donation appeal link, to auto-populate the form with this first. See example
  &LastName= Last Name Add &LastName=Smith to your donation appeal link, to auto-populate the form with this last name. See example
  &Street= Street Address Add &Street=123 Charles St to your donation appeal link, to auto-populate the form with this street address. See example
  &City= City Add &City=London to your donation appeal link, to auto-populate the form with this city. See example
  &Country= Country Add &Country=Canada to your donation appeal link, to auto-populate the form with this country. See example
  &State= State/Province Code Add &State=ON to your donation appeal link, to auto-populate the form with this province. See example
**Must be the province/state code such as AB or NY. Must also be used in conjunction with the country.
  &ZipCode= Zip/Postal Code Add &ZipCode=N6A 1A1 to your donation appeal link, to auto-populate the form with this postal code. See example
**Must be used in conjunction with the country.

You can combine these elements to pass through multiple bits of information into your donation page. See example.

If you are embedding buttons into your widget for both onetime and monthly giving frequencies, you will need to create another donation page just for monthly giving, so that you can link directly to this new form. The easiest way is to copy your existing appeal form; make changes to the new draft; activate the monthly donation form.


Where do I find the link to my donation appeal form?

Can I embed a donation form widget directly into my website?

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