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Essentials of Donations
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Essentials of Donations
Getting Started
A Guide to Getting Started
General settings
About Donation Coordinator profiles
How do I add a Donation Coordinator profile?
How do I change a Donation Coordinator profile?
Can I accept Gift Aid declarations from UK donors?
How do I modify the CSS used for donations?
Creating donation appeals
About donation appeals
How do I create a donation appeal?
How do I setup a targeted giving program?
How do Fund Names work?
How do I preview & test a donation appeal?
How do I activate a donation appeal?
How do I use Copy to create a new donation appeal?
Managing donation appeals
How do I change a donation appeal form?
How do I archive a donation appeal form?
How do I restore a donation appeal form that has been archived?
How do I manage targeted giving programs?
Managing donors
How do I search for a donation?
How do I search for a donor profile?
How do I change a donor profile?
How do I change a donation order profile?
How do I get copies of confirmation emails to come to me?
How do I view a list of recurring donors?
How do I add a new recurring donor?
How do I add a recurring payment to an existing donor?
How do I view a list of credit cards that are about to expire?
How do I view & update information for a recurring donor?
How do I view a list of recurring donations that were declined?
How do I stop & archive a recurring payment immediately?
How do I stop a recurring payment on a future date?
What should I do when I receive an error notification for a recurring donor?
How do I refund or modify a donation order?
How do I process an extra payment in a calendar month for a recurring donor?
How do I block an IP address used for fraudulent donations?
Adding donation appeal links to your website
How do I launch my donation appeal form to the public?
Can I embed a donation form widget directly into my website?
Can I auto-populate my donation appeal form with donor or other data?
Generating donation reports
About Donation Reports
How do I view Donation reports?
Why is my appeal not listed in the drop down list for reports?
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Today's Top 10 Articles
How does the credit card payment process work?
Why does the pay by cheque option not always appear during registration?
Can I setup sub departments?
How do I add a Sponsor a Participant link to my website?
How do I archive a department?
Which version of Google Analytics am I using: Classic or Universal Analytics?
Your GiftTool Account - The Basics
How do I activate a pending member?
How do I remove the questions preceding the answers in Excel?