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> GiftTool Glossary > Some common terms & definitions >  


When creating a Custom Reports or API, use the following Fields when entering filter conditions for search criteria. Each field is represented as a separate column in your custom report, and corresponds to the data collected for each transaction.

  • Service:
    The GiftTool service which was used to collect the transaction. For example: Registrar, Pledge-a-thon, Donation, Membership, Shop.
  • Order ID:
    The order ID of the transaction. Includes the prefix letter indicating the service used (R=Registrar, S=Shopping Cart, D=Donation, M=Membership, P=Pledge-a-thon PP=Offline Pledge for Pledge-a-thon, ). The prefix letter before the ID cannot be filtered on. Instead filter on the Service field (Registrar, Shop, Donations, etc).
  • Customer:
    The customer type by service. For example:
    • Registrant (Registrar service)
    • Participant (Pledge-a-thon service)
    • Sponsor (Pledge-a-thon service)
    • Pledger (Pledge-a-thon service)
    • Donor (Donation service)
    • Member (Membership service)
    • Shopper (Shopping Cart service)
  • Customer ID:
    The ID assigned to the customer. Includes the prefix letter indicating the service used (R=Registrar, S=Shopping Cart, D=Donation, M=Membership, P=Pledge-a-thon PP=Offline Pledge for Pledge-a-thon, ). The prefix letter before the ID cannot be filtered on. Instead filter on the Service field (Registrar, Shop, Donations, etc).
  • First Name:
    The customer's first name entered during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Last Name:
    The customer's last name entered during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Activity:
    The name of the event, donation appeal, Pledge-a-thon, membership or Shop product.
  • Activity ID:
    The ID number assigned to the event, donation appeal, Pledge-a-thon, membership or Shop product.
  • Sponsorship Details:
    The Targeted Giving Program or Pledge-a-thon Participant ID associated with this donation.
  • Order Status:
    The status of the order at time of the original transaction. For example:
    • Paid = Online credit card payment
    • Reversed = Online credit card payment refunded to cardholder
    • Ordered = Payment to be made offline
    • Cancelled = Offline payment cancelled in the system and requiring a refund from your organization
    • Imported = Membership order imported into your account
    • Pending = Offline cash or cheque pledge entered into the Pledge-a-thon system by your staff or the participant, and which has NOT yet been confirmed as having been received by your organization
    • Collected = Offline cash or cheque pledge entered into the Pledge-a-thon system by your staff or the participant, and which has been confirmed as having been received by your organization
  • Order Date:
    Date represents when the order was completed. Date in YYYY-MM-DD format; or date & time in YYYY-MM-DD 24:MM:SS.M.
  • Payment Method:
    Payment method selected during the completion of the order, such as: Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Discover, Cheque, MailCheque, PayOnSite, Cash, NoCharge.
  • Track ID:
    For the Donation service, if you have modified the Appeal URL to include a parameter with the name TrackId and the value of your choosing (letter and numbers). For example, if you have added "&TrackId=xyz123" to your GiftTool donation appeal form URL, the Track Id xyz123 associated with the donation record will be displayed in this field. Allows you to track which link your supporters clicked on to access your donation appeal pages.
  • Fund Name:
    For the Donation service, if you have modified the Appeal URL to include a parameter with the Fund Name and the value of your choosing, and/or if you have added a fund name to the Canadian eTax Receipt setup. Learn more.
  • Recurring Payment Frequency:
    Frequency for which the payment, such as an online donation, will be automatically processed on a recurring basis [Monthly or Quarterly].
  • Recurring Payment ID:
    The ID number assigned to the recurring payment, such as an online donation.
  • Currency:
    Unit of currency used for the value of the order, such as: CAD, USD, AUD, HKD, GBP, EUR.
  • Total:
    The total value of the order, including applicable shipping fees and taxes. Amounts can be positive or negative.
  • Subtotal:
    The total value of the order minus any shipping fees or taxes. Amounts can be positive or negative.
  • Balance Due:
    The amount currently due from the customer, minus previous payments entered into the system.
  • State Tax:
    US State tax charged for the order.
  • Fed Tax:
    US Federal tax charged for the order.
  • GST Tax:
    Canadian Goods & Services Tax (GST) charged for the order. 
  • PST Tax:
    Canadian Provincial Sales Tax (PST) charged for the order. 
  • HST Tax:
    Canadian Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) charged for the order. 
  • Other Tax1:
    Other tax charged for the order.
  • Other Tax2:
    Other tax charged for the order. 
  • Room Tax:
    Room tax charged on lodging.
  • Item ID:
    The ID number assigned to the item ordered by the customer (such as: Shop Product, Registration Option, Registration Session, Registration Package, Membership, Donation, etc.)
  • Item Type:
    The type of item ordered by the customer (such as: Shop Item, Registration Option, Registration Session, Registration Package, Membership, Donation, etc.)
  • Item Name:
    Name of the item ordered by the customer (as defined by your organization).
  • Item Quantity:
    Quantity (number) of the item ordered by the customer.
  • Item Unit Price:
    Unit price (currency) of the item ordered by the customer.
  • Item Package Size:
    Name of the package size of the item ordered by the customer (as defined by your organization).
  • Item Colour:
    Name of the colour of the item ordered by the customer (as defined by your organization).
  • Item Size:
    Size of the item ordered by the customer (as defined by your organization).
  • Item Details:
    Further details regarding the item ordered by the customer.
  • Item SKU:
    The stock keeping unit identifier of the item ordered by the customer (as defined by your organization).
  • Item Model:
    The model number of the item ordered by the customer (as defined by your organization).
  • Item Coupon:
    The coupon number entered by the customer when ordering the item.
  • Item Start:
    Start date of the membership in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Item End:
    End date of the membership in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • CA Tax Receipt Number:
    The Canadian etax receipt number issued for the donation.
  • Tax Receipt Issued:
    The date that the tax receipt was issued in YYYY-MM-DD format.
  • Tax Receipt Amount:
    The tax deductible amount listed on the Canadian etax receipt or other tax receipt statement.
  • UK Gift Aid:
    Response from the donor on their eligibility for UK Gift Aid (Yes or No).
  • Email:
    The customer's Email entered during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Street:
    The customer's Street or Mailing Address entered during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • City:
    The customer's City entered during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • State Prov:
    The customer's State, Province or County entered during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Country:
    The customer's Country entered during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Postal Code:
    The customer's Zip or Postal Code entered during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile
  • Phone Day:
    The customer data entered in the Phone Day demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Phone Evening:
    The customer data entered in the Phone Evening demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Phone Cell:
    The customer data entered in the Phone Cell demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Industry:
    The customer data entered in the Industry demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Organization:
    The customer data entered in the Organization demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Department:
    The customer data entered in the Department demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Position:
    The customer data entered in the Position demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Web Site:
    The customer data entered in the Web Site demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Age:
    The customer data entered in the Age demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Gender:
    The customer data entered in the Gender demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Language:
    The customer data entered in the Language demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Other 1:
    The customer data entered in the Other 1 demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Other 2:
    The customer data entered in the Other 2 demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Other 3:
    The customer data entered in the Other 3 demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile
  • Other 4:
    The customer data entered in the Other 4 demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile.
  • Other 5:
    The customer data entered in the Other 5 demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile
  • Other 6:
    The customer data entered in the Other 6 demographic field during the transaction process, or subsequently changed in the Profile
  • Tribute Type:
    The Tribute Type selected by the donor making a tribute donation, and which corresponds to the Tribute Types setup in the Appeal. Such as, "In Memory" or "In Honor".
  • Tribute Name:
    The Tribute Name of the honoree entered by the donor making a tribute donation. Such as, "Jane Doe", "Granny Robertson" or "Uncle Joe".
  • Tribute Notify Name:
    The name of the person to be notified, as entered by the donor making a tribute donation. Such as, "Jane Doe" or "Joe Robertson".
  • Tribute Notify Email:
    The email address of the person to be notified, as entered by the donor making a tribute donation.
  • Tribute Notify Address:
    The mailing address of the person to be notified, as entered by the donor making a tribute donation.
  • Tribute Notify Message:
    The message to be included in the Tribute acknowledgement, as entered by the donor making a tribute donation.
  • Tribute Notified:
    The notification status as entered by your staff indicating that the tribute acknowledgement has been sent.

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