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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > Managing events >  

How do I change an event survey?

If your event has been setup before June 23 2009, you may have added an Event Survey to your event registration form to collect additional information.

To modify the questions of an existing Event Survey that is already attached to an event:

  1. Click Registrar to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Surveys section, choose Manage Surveys and click Edit beside the name of the survey.
  3. Click the light blue Survey Design tab.
  4. Make the necessary changes to your survey. Note: An event survey does not include all functionality of an independant survey (such as welcome & closing messages, or branching logic).
  5. Click Save & Finish when done.

Alternatively, you can replace an Event Survey with the new Ask Questions functionality.

If your event has been setup AFTER June 23 2009, you can modify the questions included in the Ask Questions section of the event setup.

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