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How do I create a Custom Orders report?

In addition to viewing reports for each service (Donations, Event Registrar, Pledge-a-thon, Shopping, Membership), you can now create your own Custom Orders reports.

The Custom Orders report provides a break down by date of each transaction processed across one or more GiftTool services. You can also include filters to limit the report to one or more services, activities, items purchased, etc.

This report is more detailed than the Journal report providing additional information about the order (items purchased, tax receipt numbers, member IDs, etc) and can accommodate filters to restrict the data to specific parameters.

Create as many Custom Orders reports as required, useful for data migration into other systems. Alternatively, generate specific Raiser's Edge import files to migrate data into Raiser's Edge.

To create a Custom Orders report:

  1. Click the Account link located in the top right corner of your GiftTool BackOffice account.
  2. Click Custom Report.
  3. To create a new report, click Add Custom Report.
  4. On page 1:
    • Select a date range for your report by clicking the Date Picker icons.
      • Set an end date of 3000-01-01 so that the report will always include the most recent data, without having to update the end data each time the report is downloaded.
    • Enter the Report Name.
    • Select the currency of the transactions to be displayed.
    • Net Orders: Check the box to have your report provide the summary of all order modifications or order cancellations to the original order. Net Orders will show a single line for the registrant with a final summary of their order. Selecting Net Orders is useful to view the final Balance Due owed by your registrants. Alternatively, unchecking Net Orders, will provide a list of each individual order processed for this participant, including the original order and any subsequent order modifications or cancellations.
    • One row per order: Check the box to have all information for an order displayed on a single line, with Registration Options, Session Options, Additional Items, or answers to questions grouped in a single cell for each item type. Unchecking this box will place any additional Registration Options, Session Options, Additional Items, or answers to questions in a new row.
    • For GiftTool Services: Check the services to be included in the report.
    • For Also Include: Check the optional headers and columns to be displayed (e.g. Report header, Items purchased, Taxes, Balance due, Tax Receipt numbers, UK GiftAid, In Tribute fields, and Profile fields). You can always disable these once you have seen the report.
    • Click Next
  5. On page 2, determine which fields should be displayed in each column:
    • Drag & Drop columns from the "Don't show columns" list to the "Show columns" list or back to control what columns are shown.
    • Drag & Drop columns up and down within the "Show columns" list to control the order in which they appear in the report.
    • Tip: Try moving all the fields into the “Show Columns”. Once you have seen the report, remove unnecessary columns as required by dragging them back to the "Don't show columns" list.
    • Click Next
  6. [Optional] On page 3, you can specify optional filters to eliminate unwanted records. Having filters refines what information is included in your report, and can be as simple or as complex as you need them to be.
    • Choose a Field from the first drop-down list.
    • Choose an Operator from the second drop-down list.
    • In the third field, enter the value to match. For additional tips on entering filter values, see examples below.
    • Repeat to add more filters.
  7. Example 1. Suppose you would like to see a report for all the orders from California. Here is how you enter this into the system below...
       Condition Field Operator Value
      1 State equals CA
  8. Example 2. Now suppose you would like to see a report for all the orders from California that are attending a specific event. Just add a second condition.
        Condition Field Operator Value Logic
      1 State equals CA AND
      2 Activity equals 29th Fundraising Gala  
    By default, the word “AND” appears in the Logic column on the right hand side. This means the report has been narrowed, so that each line has to comply with all of the filters. So in Example 2, only the orders that both come from California and have registered to attend the 29th Fundraising Gala show up on the report.
    You can override the “AND” logic by specifying your own logic. Here's how...
  9. Example 3. If you would like to see a report for all orders from California, New York and Canada combined. Enter in your conditions...
        Condition Field Operator Value
      1 State equals CA
      2 State equals NY
      3 Country equals Canada
    Then on the Advanced Logic line below, link the conditions with the word “OR”. This means that an order has to comply with only one of the conditions to show up on the report. Entering information into this line automatically overrides the AND logic in the right hand column.
      1 OR 2 OR 3  
    If you have a complex set of conditions and you want to combine “AND” and “OR” logic, see Advanced Filter Logic for more examples.
  10. Example 4. One-Time Donations only
  11. Example 5. Recurring Donations only
  12. Example 6. Event Registrar - Registrants with Balance Due
  13. Example 7. Event Registrar - Single Registration or Session Option
  14. Example 8. Event Registrar - List of Donors across multiple events
  15. Example 9. Pledge-a-thon - Offline Donations
  16. Example 10. Pledge-a-thon - Participants only
  17. Each filter line must contain a field, operator, and value.
  18. When entering values, please note:
    • Values are case sensitive.
    • Be careful about adding unwanted extra spaces before or after the value.
    • When typing the value for an Activity, Item Name or Sponsorship Details, you must type the exact name as spelled in your setup. Tip: Run the report without this filter, to see which name should be filter for. Then copy/paste the exact value into your filter.
    • Examples of some field values:
      • Currency: CAD, USD, AUD, HKD, GBP, EUR
      • Service: Registrar, Pledge-a-thon, Donation, Membership, Shop
      • Customer: Registrant, Participant, Sponsor, Pledger, Donor, Member, Shopper
      • Order Status: Paid, Ordered, Reversed, Cancelled, Imported
    • For Order ID fields, the prefix letter indicating the service used (R, S, D, etc) before the ID cannot be filtered on. Instead filter on the Service field (Registrar, Shop, Donations, etc).
    • Date values must be in the form YYYY-MM-DD.
  19. See advanced filter logic for additional rules & examples.
  20. Click Save to save your report, or Save & Runto download the saved report.

Note: A Report API (Application Programming Interface) is automatically generated for each Custom Orders report, allowing you to automatically pull data into your own application or other database.

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