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2009-06-23: Donation service upgrade

Thanks to your feedback, we have launched a more powerful Donation service.


With the Donation service, you can now create as many online donation Appeal forms as you need, with different messaging for each form.
  • Further customize your appeal forms by collecting additional personal information, asking multiple choice questions, changing the order in which sections are displayed, and much more!
  • Now you can also customize the email message sent out with Canadian etax receipts for each donation appeal. 
  • Use the copy feature to create additional Appeals, which you can then quickly modify to your needs.
  • Run reports by appeal or across multiple appeals.


The frequency of recurring donations has been expanded, so that donors can now give quarterly, in addition to, monthly.


The new Administration section allows you to:
  • Quickly search for a donor profile, by partial name or order ID.
  • Make changes to the personal information entered by the donor.
  • Associate a monthly donor with a Targeted Giving Program.
  • View a list of recurring donors with credit cards that are about to expire.

What action must I take?

If you are happy with your existing online donation pages, then there is nothing that you need to do. Nevertheless, if you have wanted to make any of the following changes, you now have the power do so!
  • Include additional questions on my donation page.
  • Include suggested giving amounts and targeted giving programs on my monthly donation page, as well as, offer the option of quarterly giving.
  • Change the order of the sections, so that the personal information section appears lower down the page.
  • Split my donation page onto multiple pages.
  • Change the international spelling of "In Honour" to "In Honor".
  • Include more In Tribute Options, beyond the standard "In honour" and "In memory".
  • Modify the email message sent out with Canadian etax receipts.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How do I change my existing donation page?

    Follow these instructions to change your existing donation page.

  2. Will my donation links change?

    Your existing donation links will continue to work just fine! Nevertheless, when you create a new Appeal form, the format of any new donation links has changed. Over the next year or so, we will retire the old URL link format, so it is a good idea to use the new donation page link(s) when updating your website -- but there is no immediate rush to do this.

    Locate the new link for an appeal in the Appeal Profile section.

  3. How do I change the person receiving the confirmation emails?

    You can easily change the appeal coordinator receiving copies of all confirmation emails, when an online donation is made using the appeal form.

    Separately, copies of Canadian eTax Receipts will be sent to the coordinator selected in the tax receipt setup section. This coordinator will receive copies of all Canadian eTax Receipts regardless of where the donation cam from (Appeal form, Pledge-a-thon Campaign, event signup, membership signup, consolidated annual receipt, manual receipts issued for offline donations, etc).

  4. Why have the confirmation emails changed?

    GiftTool is currently reviewing the content of all confirmation emails & onscreen messages with privacy considerations in mind. Our policy is currently to send out confirmation emails that contain the same text as the onscreen confirmation. As identity theft becomes a broader issue, we are rethinking this strategy to help our clients protect their customer's personal information (since emails are not secure and can be easily screened with software used by identity thieves). We are aware of several clients using the Ask Questions section to collect sensitive medical or other information that is inappropriate to send via email.

    Therefore, as a next phase, we are looking to decouple the onscreen message with the confirmation email. In the meantime, the answers to the Ask Questions will not appear in the email confirmation.

  5. Where do I find the responses to the Ask Questions setup in the appeal form?

    There are several ways to view the responses to the Ask Questions section.

    • For a single donor search for the donor profile and click the Order ID number in the donor profile. The response to the question will be displayed at the bottom of the page.
    • For an Excel spreadsheet listing multiple donors for a specific time frame, you can view the Question Details report.

  6. I am now using the "Other 1-6" personal information fields to collect additional demographic information from my donors. How do I remove my question in the Other 1-6 columns of my Excel reports?

    If you have included the Other 1 - 6 personal information fields in your online appeal forms, both the question and the answer will appear in your Excel report for the Total Orders or Custom reports. Follow these instructions to remove your question preceeding the responses in the Other 1, Other 2, etc. columns in the Excel report.

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