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How do I setup a targeted giving program?

On your donation appeal page, you can give donors a choice of programs that benefit from their donations. When you set up your Targeted Giving Programs, you can:

  • Customize the introduction to the Targeted Giving Program section.
  • Create a customized on-screen confirmation message shown exclusively to donors who have selected this targeted program.

How do I set up targeted giving programs?

STEP A - Create your Targeted Giving Program

  1. Click Donations to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Setup section, choose Targeted Programs.
  3. To create a targeted giving program, click Add Targeted Program.
  4. Enter the Program Name as it will appear to your donors.
  5. Select the language Localization. This will automatically change the default text displayed to donors.
    • NOTE: This Targeted Giving program can only be included in an Appeal form, if the localization selected here matches the localization setting of the appeal. For example: English (Canada); English (United States); français (Canada).
  6. Optionally, add a description below the name of the program.
    • This text box will accept HTML code.
    • To include an image in the description, you must first host the image in the Secure Image Hosting section of your account (learn how). By referencing an image hosted on a secure server, your secure donation page will not display error messages that there are "secure and insecure images on this page".
  7. Enter your On-screen Confirmation message into the text field. This message will be shown exclusively to donors who have selected this targeted program, regardless of the appeal.
    • You can use the HTML editor to add text attributes, paragraph formatting, and colours to your messages.
    • You can use donor variables to personalize the message for each donor.
  8. Click Save.

STEP B - Associate your targeted giving program with your appeal

Now you are ready to include your targeted giving program in your donation page.

  1. To change an existing donation appeal form:
    • Get into your appeal setup
    • Click Sections (light blue tab)
    • Click Targeted Programs (grey tab)
    • Follow these instructions to setup the section and drag & drop your targeted programs into the Show Programs column.
    • Click Save as Draft/Active when finished to save your settings to the system.

  2. To create a new donation appeal form:
    • Create a new form from scratch or copy an existing form
    • When viewing the Targeted Programs (grey tab) in the Sections section, follow these instructions to setup the section and drag & drop your targeted programs into the Show Programs column.
    • Click Update & Next to continue; or Save as Draft/Active when finished to save your settings to the system.


  • You can include the Targeted Program name on your Canadian eTax Receipt by checking a box in the tax receipt setup. Learn How.

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