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How do I create a product?

When customers browse your products by department, they will see a thumbnail-sized photo of the product, its name, and its price. When a customer clicks on an item, a window opens with the product details: a larger photo, a product description, and the product options such as colours and sizes.

A product doesn't always have to be a physical product that is shipped to the shopper. It can also be a product which can be instantly downloaded once your shoppers have successfully purchased and paid for the product.

Step 1 - Create a product description Back to Top
  1. From the Setup section of the Shopping Cart menu, click Products & Departments.
  2. Click Add Product button.
  3. On the Description tab:
    • Determine to which eStore your product should be added.
    • In Product Name, enter the product name.Your product name is shown to customers as they browse through a department.
    • In Product Description, enter a description, shown to customers on the Product Details page. The description should be enticing, and list the product features you want customers to know. You can use the HTML editor to add text attributes, paragraph formatting, images, embedded videos, links, tables and colours to your description.
  4. Click Update & Next to continue to the next page.
Step 2 - Add a product price Back to Top

You can set regular prices for each product package size, as well as, discounted prices for bulk purchases. Each product must have at least one package size with an assigned price. You can also set up a price break for bulk purchases, by inputting the minimum quantity that must be purchased to benefit from the discount price.

On the Prices tab:

  1. Click Add Package Price.
  2. Enter the Package Size Name. The price and package size name are shown to your customers on the Product Detail page. If you do not wish to give your pack size a name, type "Price" as the default Package Size. For example (text in blue are the Package Size Name):
    • Price $50.00
    • Box of 36 (includes shipping) $12.99
    • Single $5.00
    • Dozen $75.00
    • 6-Pack $49.99
    • Includes Shipping & Hanlding (US destinations only) $42.50
    • Includes Shipping & Hanlding (Canada only) $60.00
    • On sale now for $42.50
    • Opening Special $25.00
  3. Enter the main Price. This price also shows in the department listing.
  4. If you are charging shipping fees on this item, enter the Shipping Multiple for the weight, size, price and/or flat rate.
    You can enter as many shipping multiples as required for the quantity of items purchased. Just click "Add shipping price multiplier" to add more shipping multiples.
    • For example: If you are charging a $7.99 flat rate when purchasing 1-10 items; a $15.99 flat rate when purchasing 11+ items -- then you would setup the following 2 shipping price multipliers:
      • A shipping price multiplier for 1-10, with a flat rate multiple of 799, assuming you have entered a Flat Rate Price of $0.01 in the Shipping Method. Therefore, if someone purchases 2 items, the shipping fee charged will be 799 x $0.01 = $7.99.
      • A shipping price multiplier for 11-infinity, with a flat rate multiple of 1599. Therefore, if someone purchases 15 items, the shipping fee charged will be 1599 x $0.01 = $15.99.
    • See more examples in the Shipping Method section.
    • When calculating the shipping fees for this item, this amount will be multiplied by the fee per the weight, size, price and/or flat rate setup for your Shipping Methods.
    • The Weight Multiple, Size Multiple, and Price Multiple are all multipled by the quantity and the shipping method price for each. By contrast, the Flat Rate Multiple is not multipled by the quantity, but is multipled by the shipping method Flat Rate Price.
  5. Check the boxes to waive the Base Shipping and/or Minimum Shipping fees, if you have setup either of these fees for the rest of your shopping cart but do not wish to charge the fee for this specific product with this price.
  6. Optionally, offer a Volume Discount for bulk purchases. This in store special is prominently displayed to all customers shopping online
    • In Minimum Discount Quantity, enter the quantity at which you give the price break.
    • In Discount Price, enter the per-unit price for the bulk purchases.
    • For example: Display "Buy 3 or more at $35.95 each" by entering a Min. Discount Quantity of 3 and a Discount Price of $35.95.
  7. Optionally, offer a Product Discount in store special that is prominently displayed to all customers shopping online. Permanently display your in-store specials or make them available for a time-limited period only.
    • In % Discount Offered, enter the discount where the percentage is deducted from the regular and/or bulk purchase price (for example: enter 10 to offer a 10% discount off the price of this package size).
  8. Optionally, setup a promotional Coupon Code. See example.
    • Offer a discount to key customers entering a promotional coupon code at checkout. Send this coupon code out to your key customers when you announce the discount.
    • In Coupon Discount Offered, enter the discount where the percentage is deducted from the net purchase price (for example: enter 10 to offer a 10% discount off the net price of this package size after other volume or other discounts have been applied).
    • Enter the Coupon Code:
      • Must be alphanumeric only consisting of A-Z letters and/or numbers only (such as: 5555; MemberDiscount123; a283uje2; AAA12345). Cannot include dashes, spaces, exclamation/punctuation marks or other characters.
      • This code is NOT case sensitive.
      • You can use the same coupon code for multiple products, or a unique code for this product only.
  9. Optionally, apply a Surcharge at check out when shoppers purchase this package size. See example.
    • In Surcharge Description, enter a brief description to appear on the checkout & confirmation pages. For example: "$5 additional handling charge".
    • In Surcharge Applied, enter the value to be added to the purchase sub-total, after discounts and before taxes & shipping costs. For example, enter 5 to apply a $5.00 surcharge.
  10. Optionally, enter the Wholesale Price if you wish to track the actual gross margin generated from your eStore sales.
    • The wholesale purchase price of this product will be used for internal tracking purposes only. In the Total Orders Reports, you will be able to track sales and gross margins for each product ordered (sales price – wholesale price = gross margin).
    • The wholesale price will not be displayed to your customers in your eStore.
  11. Click Update & Next to continue building the product profile.
    Click Save as Draft to save the product in the Draft folder, to complete the profile later or to activate the product. Or, click Save as Active, if the product is already active in your eStore.
Step 3 - Optional: Set product taxes Back to Top

GiftTool Shopping Cart is set up to apply the indicated tax and calculate the percentage according to the shipping address of your shopper. These taxes are itemized after the sub-total on the order confirmation page. If the tax rate should be applicable to all shoppers regardless of their location, use the Other Tax category.

On the Taxes tab choose the applicable tax:

  1. For Canadian eStores : Select the applicable taxes:
    • Goods and Services Tax (GST): As required by law, your organization's GST number will automatically appear beside the amount of GST charged on the order confirmation page. GST will be charged to all shoppers located in a province where GST is applicable (see HST below).
    • Provincial Sales Tax (PST): The PST rate charged will be based on your location. All orders with a shipping address in the same province will be charged PST.
    • Harmonized Sales Tax (HST): The HST rate will be charged, instead of GST, to all shoppers located in a province where HST is applicable. Below the HST checkbox is an "override" amount box, which should be left empty for normal HST calculations (see note below).
    • NOTE : Some products, such as educational books, may only be subject to a 5% GST/HST rate. If you wish to charge 5% GST/HST to all Canadian provinces, with no taxes charged to destinations outside of Canada, you should setup your taxes as follows:
      • Check the box beside Goods & Service Tax [Canada]
      • Check the box beside Harmonized Sales Tax [Canada]
      • And enter “5” in the box for Override the BC,NB,NL,NS, and ON HST Rate.
      This will insure that 5% GST is charged in all provinces that do not have HST (AB, NT, NU, YT, MB, SK, QC, PE). And only 5% HST will be charged in those provinces charging HST (BC,NB,NL,NS, ON). No taxes will be charged for destinations outside of Canada.
      Do NOT use the override box if normal HST rates apply.
    • If other taxes apply, enter the rate for the Other Tax 1 (or 2) category. This Other Tax will be applied to all shoppers regardless of their location.
  2. For US eStores:
    • Enter the State Tax rate using a percentage with up to 4 numbers after the period. For example: 15%; 15.0%; 7.5%; 7.25%; 7.2225%.
    • Select the State in which your business resides.  All orders with a shipping address in the same state will be charged the state tax.
    • If other taxes apply, enter the rate for the Other Tax 1 (or 2) category. This Other Tax will be applied to all shoppers regardless of their location.
  3. For International eStores:
    • Enter the rate for the Other Tax 1 category. This Other Tax will be applied to all shoppers regardless of their location. Enter a percentage with up to 4 numbers after the period. For example: 15%; 15.0%; 7.5%; 7.25%; 7.2225%
    • If other taxes apply, enter the rate for the Other Tax 1 (or 2) category.  This Other Tax will be applied to all shoppers regardless of their location.
  4. Click Update & Next to continue building the product profile.
    Click Save as Draft to save the product in the Draft folder, to complete the profile later or to activate the product. Or, click Save as Active, if the product is already active in your eStore.
Step 4 - Optional: Add product sizes Back to Top

If customers can buy your product in multiple sizes, you can enter the sizes here. Product sizes are shown on the Product Details page. Customers can choose a size from a list of available sizes. The text field gives you the flexibility use a variety of formats.

On the Sizes tab:

    1. Enter a Size Description in a field. For example:
      • S, M, L, XL
      • Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large
      • Each, 6-pack, Box of 24
      • With trim, Without trim
    2. If you need to enter more sizes than the available fields, save your product setup. The next time you enter into the product setup [from the Manage Products section click Change beside the name of the product], additional blank boxes will be available on the Sizes tab.
    3. Click Update & Next to continue building the product profile.
    4. or Click

Save as Draft

      to save the product in the Draft folder, to complete the profile later or to activate the product. Or, click

Save as Active

    , if the product is already active in your eStore.
Step 5 - Optional: Add product colours Back to Top

If the product is offered in various colours, you can enter the colours here. The text field gives you the option of entering your exact colour choice in RGB format. Red-Green-Blue format or choosing a colour from the GiftTool palette of Web-safe colours. Product colours are shown on the Product Details page. Customers can choose a colour from a list of available colours.

On the Colourstab:

  1. Choose a colour:
    • Click on the colour icon and the GiftTool rainbow bar will open allowing you to click on the exact colour required.
    • Choose a colour from the rainbow bar. The colour is shown on the left, next to the colour value.
    • You can change the colour by adjusting the colour value in the Value column.
  2. Enter a Colour Name. The colour and name will be shown on the Product Details page.
  3. If you need to enter more colours and there are no more available fields: save your product setup. The next time you enter into the product setup [from the Manage Products section click Change beside the name of the product], additional blank boxes will be available on the Colours tab.
  4. Click Update & Next to continue building the product profile.
    Click Save as Draft to save the product in the Draft folder, to complete the profile later or to activate the product. Or, click Save as Active, if the product is already active in your eStore.
Step 6 - Optional: Add inventory control Back to Top

Inventory is controlled by entering maximum inventory levels to prevent sales of depleted products. The quantity decreases with each order. When the eStore is out of stock of a particular item, an "out of stock" message will be displayed and customers can no longer order that product. You can also assign your own Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) numbers and / or the manufacturer's model numbers.

  • SKU numbers are only necessary to identify that an item is the same across all of your eStores (Canadian currency, American currency, English and French). This allows you to manage your inventory levels for a single SKU across all your eStores. Therefore, if this product has already been added to another eStore, type in the same SKU number below.
  • The optional manufacturer's model number will be displayed on the product description page to provide more information for your shoppers.

On the Inventory tab:

  1. If you are using SKUs, enter a unique inventory number for each item in the Item SKU # column.
  2. If you would like to display the Manufacturers Model Number of a product, enter the number in the Item Model # column.
  3. If you want to limit the number of orders for a particular item, enter the maximum number that can be ordered in the Quantity in Stock column.
  4. Click Update & Next to continue building the product profile.
    Click Save as Draft to save the product in the Draft folder, to complete the profile later or to activate the product. Or, click Save as Active, if the product is already active in your eStore.
Step 7 - Optional: Ask Questions Back to Top

Adding questions to the product page allows you to capture additional information from the purchaser when buying this product (such as: text to be included in the engraving or advertising message, Full Name to appear on the card, etc). You can include as many questions as required, which will be repeated for each additional item purchased.

On the Questions tab:

  1. Select your Question Type from the drop down menu and click Add Question.
    • Multiple Choice: Allows you to collect a multiple choice answer using radio buttons or a drop-down list or collect all answers that apply with Multi-select check boxes.
    • Text / Numeric: Allows you to collect a Text answer, a Number answer, a Dollar amount answer or a Percentage answer.
  2. Enter the question and choices for a multiple choice question. If you have run out of spaces for the multiple choice options, first click Update & Next to save this question and then click Change to add an additional 5 choices to this question.  
  3. Click Update & Next.
  4. You can modify the order in which your questions will be displayed by clicking on the up or down arrows.
  5. Click Update & Next to continue building the product profile.
    Click Save as Draft to save the product in the Draft folder, to complete the profile later or to activate the product. Or, click Save as Active, if the product is already active in your eStore.
Step 8 - Add a product to an eStore department Back to Top
Add the product to one or more departments by choosing departments from the list. You can also cross promote your products by displaying the product with related products.

On the Departments tab:
  1. Choose one or more departments or sub-departments from the list.
  2. Click Update & Next to continue building the product profile.
    Click Save as Draft to save the product in the Draft folder, to complete the profile later or to activate the product. Or, click Save as Active, if the product is already active in your eStore.
Step 9 - Optional: Add product images Back to Top

Adding an image to a product is a great way to show your product to its best advantage. The image will be shown to your customers along with the product details. Although the photo is not constrained to a particular size, 8 x 10 cm images (about 165 x 250 pixels) create an attractive product display. GiftTool also displays this image as a thumbnail size when customers view all the products in a department. At any time, the image can be removed or replaced with another image.

On the Images tab:

  1. To choose a product image, click Browse. This opens a window that lets you see files on your computer.
  2. Choose the product image you want to show and click Open.
    • This uploads the image to the GiftTool server.
    • You can upload any digital image stored in JPG (JPEG) or GIF format, which are standard image formats for Web delivery. 
    • Having difficulty uploading a jpg image?
    • Retaining image quality for large images:  JPG images can be compressed  to take up less computer space. The more you compress a file, the less depth you keep, and the photos can begin to look ugly. To get the best results with your images, set  your camera  to the highest quality. You can always compress your images later, but you can't restore lost detail and quality after the fact.
  3. To replace an existing image, repeat the steps above.
  4. To remove an existing image, click Remove this image below the file name.
  5. Click Update & Next to continue building the product profile.
    Click Save as Draft to save the product in the Draft folder, to complete the profile later or to activate the product. Or, click Save as Active, if the product is already active in your eStore.
Step 10 - Optional: Add an electronic file to a product for download Back to Top

Allow your product to be downloaded as electronic file after a shopper has completed their payment online. An electronic file can be any document, photo, audio or video clip, and other multimedia file that can be downloaded or viewed after purchase.

Add your electronic file by either uploading the file from your computer or adding a Web site link. You can add a instructions for downloading the electronic file which will be shown to the shopper after they have successfully completed and paid for their purchase. Instructions may include a link for shoppers to access free software to be able to view your document.

On the Download tab:

  1. Select the radio button for one of the following electronic file sources:
    • Link URL: This is the Web site address displaying your electronic file. Select the radio button and enter the link URL. For examples:
    • Electronic file uploaded from your hard drive: Select the radio button, and choose a file by clicking Browse. This opens a window that lets you see files on your computer. Choose the file to be associated with this product and click Open. This uploads the file to the GiftTool server. Download fees will apply each time this document is downloaded from the GiftTool server.
  2. Enter your instructions for downloading the electronic file which will be shown to the shopper after they have successfully completed and paid for their purchase. Instructions may include a link for shoppers to access free software to be able to view your document. For example:
    • To view this PDF document an Acrobat Reader is required. For more information or to download free Acrobat software click on:
  3. To replace a link or file repeat step 1.
  4. To remove an existing file, click Remove this file below the file name.
  5. Click Save as Draft to save the product in the Draft folder, to complete the profile later or to activate the product. Or, click Save as Active, if the product is already active in your eStore.
Step 11 - Review & activate product Back to Top
  1. From the Products section of the Shopping Cart menu, choose Manage.
  2. Click List Products from the Draft Products row.
  3. Click View to see a your product description page shown to the public once the product is activated. Note:
    • Clicking Add to Cart from this page will not show the correct setup of your eStore checkout process. Therefore, you should test the checkout process from your actual eStore links which will be placed on your final website and not from this preview screen.
  4. Click Change to make modifications to your product setup.
  5. Click Activate to activate a single product so that it is live in your eStore, or click the Activate All button to activate all products in the draft folder.

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