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What is Advanced Filter Logic for Custom Reports?
  • Filter logic is optional when creating a Custom Orders report. It is used to specify the relationship between each of the conditions you create.
  • If you don't specify any filter logic, AND will automatically appear in the Logic column on the right hand side.
  • AND means that each condition has to be met to include an order in the report. OR means that only one of the conditions has to be met. Use a combination of AND and OR using the following rules...
  • Make sure each open parenthesis "(" has a matching close parenthesis ")".
  • Enclose conditions that have priority in parentheses. See examples below.
  • Insert one of these terms between each filter line number: AND, OR, NOT. Avoid conditions like 1 AND OR 2 and (1 2 3).
  • Begin a condition with the term NOT, but do not end one with NOT. For example, NOT 1 AND (2 OR 3 OR 4) finds records that meet any of the last three filters and excludes records that meet the first filter.
  • Advanced Filter Logic is case sensitive.  Therefore, type AND instead of and.

Example A: 

    Condition Field Operator Value
   1 Service equals Registrar
   2 State equals NY
   3 Total greater than $100

  • 1 AND 2 AND 3 (default filter logic)
    This filter finds only those Event Registrar orders that are both from New York and over $100.
  • (1 AND 2) OR 3
    This filter finds all Event Registrar orders from NY as well as orders from any service and any state that are over $100.
  • 1 AND (2 OR 3)
    This filter finds Event Registrar orders that are either from NY or over $100. To create the same report you could also use (1 AND 2) OR (1 AND 3).

Example B: 

    Condition Field Operator Value
   1 Service equals Shopping Cart
   2 State equals CA
   3 Total greater than $50
   4 Item Name equals Logo T-Shirt

  • (1 AND 2) OR (3 AND 4)
    This filter finds records that match both the first two filter lines or the second two filter lines. In this case, the report would pull all Shopping Cart orders from CA as well as all the orders from any service and state that had a total of over $50 and ordered a Logo T-Shirt.
  • (1 OR 2 OR 3) AND 4
    This filter finds records that match any of the first three filter lines that also include the last. In this case, the report would pull all orders for Logo T-Shirts that were purchased through the Shopping Cart service, or any service from California, or from any service and state that totaled more than $50.

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