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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > Generating event reports >  

About Event Registrar reports

The Event Registrar service reports help you analyze data about an event. GiftTool provides many ready-to-use reports, each available in several report types and formats.

Choose a report type and format for each event whose statistics you want to analyze. Generated reports are shown on screen. Choosing Excel displays the spreadsheet data on screen.

Report name

Provides information about

Event Statistics

Summarizes order status (booked, paid, cancelled, reversed), registrations by registrant type, invitations (sent, opened, accepted, declined, pending), registration and session options, and additional items and information gathered for an event.

Total Orders - Summary report

Order information for a particular event, sorted by order ID, status, date, registrant name, company name, order value, balance due, and payment method.

This report will include ALL data collected online during the registration process, including the ID or coupon code provided during the Manual Authorization process for a particular Registrant Type.

This report includes any cancellations and reorders. For example, the same individual may be associated with 3 transactions:

  • Original transaction to be paid by cheque,
  • Cancellation of original order,
  • Final transaction paid by credit card.

Total Orders - Full report


This Excel Spreadsheet contains all information related to every transaction associated with this event.

This report includes any cancellations and reorders. For example, the same individual may be associated with 3 transactions:
  • Original transaction to be paid by cheque,
  • Cancellation of original order,
  • Final transaction paid by credit card)

On-Site Check-In List

Order information for a particular event, with registrant information, listing paid and balances due, with an area for notes, so staff can collect payment and handle registration desk issues.

Question Details

If you have included questions in the Ask Questions section, the responses will be listed in this report.
  • Each question is listed in a separate column.
  • When making changes to a question after responses have already been collected, responses to this modified question will be displayed in a new column to ensure the integrity of the data. The system has no way of knowing if a simple spelling mistake has been corrected or if the meaning of the question has changed significantly.  Therefore, responses cannot be compared across the old & new questions and must be listed in a separate column.
  • NOTE: The Ask Questions functionality was launched as of June 22, 2009. For responses to questions using the Event Survey functionality prior to this date, Event Survey responses are shown in the Survey Reports section

Registration Options Summary

Number of registrants for each registration option, event capacity and available spaces, and order value by option. Because registrants can choose multiple registration options, the total number of registrants may differ from the total number of registrant names.

Registration Options Details

Registrant information by registration option, including multiple registrations and order value.

Session Options Summary

Number of registrants for each registration option, event capacity and available spaces, and order value by option. Because registrants can choose multiple registration options, the total number of registrants may differ from the total number of registrant names.

Session Options Details

Registrant information by session option, including multiple registrations and order value.

Additional Items Summary

Additional items by number of registrants and order value.

Additional Items Details

Registrant information by additional items ordered, including multiple registrations and order value.

Donor List

Lists all donations made while registering for an event.  Does not include the tax receiptable amount of any registration option, session option or additional item purchased.

Lodging Type Details

Displays the lodging responses if a participant has included a lodging request in their registration.

Custom Orders Reports
[Across Activities] 

If you have created a custom order report in the Account section that contains event information, this same report will be accessible from the Registrar Reports page.



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