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Event Registrar
> Essentials of Event Registrar > Administering Registrants >  

How do I register faxed or phoned in orders?

Your staff can register faxed or phoned in orders from the BackOffice, even after registration has closed on your website:

  1. Before following steps 2-5 to register these individuals, if you are not using the Pay at the door payment option, you can first rename this offline payment method in your event setup to be "Payment previously received – thank you!". Make sure this option remains hidden from the public, by keeping this box unchecked.  You will have access to this hidden payment method when completing step 4 below.

  2. From the Registrar tab of the BackOffice, choose the blue button labelled Registrants.
  3. Select the tab marked Manual Registration.
  4. Complete the event registration form:
    • This will look like your public page, except that the REGISTER NOW button is available even after registration has closed, along with all hidden registrant types (if any, such as Speaker, Volunteer, Complimentary) and all payment methods on the final payment page.
    • A registration confirmation is shown on screen, with a confirmation email sent to the address recorded during registration. If you do NOT wish to send a confirmation email to the registrant, then check the box beside their email in the to section.
  5. To keep your Balance Due column in your reports up to date, record any offline payment that you received by cash, cheque, or offline credit card processing.

Can I process faxed registrations with a credit card but no security code?

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