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How do I create and manage name badges?

You can streamline the process of generating name badges (name tags) by using the Event Registrar. The information is drawn from the registration lists, eliminating transcription errors and increasing data accuracy.

Step 1 - Add Badge Design Back to Top
Add multiple badge designs for different events, or for different registrant types at a single event. Generating badges automates the process of applying the badge design to the list of names you choose. The system is designed to work with any size of name brand label.
  1. Click Registrar to view the Main Menu of this service.
  2. From the Administration section, choose Name Badges.
  3. Click Add Design.
  4. Enter a Badge Design Name.
    This name will be shown in the drop-down list of badge designs.
  5. Choose a Badge Type from the drop-down list. The list includes popular badges sizes for A4 and North American use.
  6. Enter the Image URL if you want to display an image in the top left corner of the badge. The image must already be hosted on the web.
    • To find the URL of a web image, right click on the image and choose 'Properties'.
    • If your image appears distorted when previewing your badge design, the image may be too large and has been shrunk to fit. For best results, the height of your image should be from 1 to 3 cm, and the width should be equal to or smaller than the width of the badge type selected.
    • If your GIF image does not appear when previewing your badge design, convert your image to a JPG format.
    • If your JPG image does not appear on the badge when previewing, convert your image to a JPG format using a different image editor (such as Irfanview).
  7. Enter the Badge Text. This includes text that is shown on all the badges (Event Title and Footer), and the variable text that are replaced by text on individual labels (Name and Details).
  8. Choose a Font and Font Size for each of the Badge Text lines.
  9. Choose colours for the text and footer background. The colour is shown on the left, next to the colour value. You can change the colour by adjusting the colour value in the Value column.
  10. Click Save. To preview your work, you must first save the badge design.
Step 2 - Generate name badges for event registrants Back to Top

You can generate name badges for all participants or a subset, allowing you to create different badge styles or colours for different registrant types. You can filter registrants by registration type or date, or by registrant name. You can also choose to generate name badges manually.

  1. From the Administration section of the Registrar service, choose Name Badges.
  2. Click Generate beside the badge design you would like to use.
  3. Choose a Badge Design from the drop-down list. 
  4. Choose an Event Name for which you want to generate name badges.
  5. To select a subset of registrants, choose one or more variables. The generated subset will meet all requirements.
    • For example: Choosing a registration date range of May 1, 2010 to May 15, 2010 and registrant type of "speaker" generates a list of speakers who registered between May 1 and May 15, 2010.
  6. Click Generate Badges. The badges are shown on screen is the ascending order of their registration date.
  7. Use your browser's Print command to print the badges, or save the PDF document to your hard drive for later printing.

    • Why can't I view the PDF document?
    • Test print the first page of your badges onto regular paper. Lay the printed paper over the badge paper to check that the badges will print correctly. If the badges are misaligned, change your printer's Page Scaling setting to 'Fit to Printable Area' and/or adjust your printer's margin settings to ensure proper alignment.
    • Registrants often forget to capitalize their first and last names. To ensure that names appear perfectly on the printed badges, you can generate and review the electronic file prior to printing. Just note which registrant information needs to be corrected. Then click on Registrants from the Administration section of the main Registrar menu page, select your event name and click Profile beside any registrant whose badge requires modification.
    • To avoid the last minute rush, you can print badges a few weeks prior to your meeting, printing the remaining badges for last minute registrants just before your event. To print by date range, see point 5 above.
Step 3 - Generate a name badge manually Back to Top

You can generate name badges for registrants not in the event database. This allows you to create badges for last-minute registrants, event staff, or non-registrants.

  1. From the Administration section of the Registrar service menu, choose Name Badges.
  2. Click Generate beside the name of the badge design
    Click Create New to add a design.
  3. Click the blue tab entitled Manually.
  4. Choose a Badge Design from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter the information to be shown on each badge.
  6. Click Generate Badges.
    • The badges are shown on screen.
    • Use your browser's Print command to print the badges. If the badges are misaligned, change the Page Scaling setting on your printer to 'Fit to Printable Area' and/or adjust your printer's margin settings to ensure proper alignment.
    • The badge information used to create badges manually has not been entered into the GiftTool database, and will not appear in any reports listing attendee names.
    • Why can't I view the PDF document?
Step 4 - Copy a name badge design for use elsewhere Back to Top
The easiest way to create a series of badges is to settle on a badge design, then copy it and change one or more design elements. This lets you quickly incorporate visual cues that distinguish registrant categories, such as staff and volunteers, speakers and VIPS, and so on.
  1. From the Administration section of the Registrar service, choose Name Badges
  2. Click Copy. This creates a new badge of the same name followed by [Copy].
  3. Change the name of the copied badge design by clicking Change and following the instructions below.
Step 5 - Change a name badge design Back to Top
  1. From the Administration section of the Registrar service, choose Name Badges.
  2. Click Change.
  3. Change the name badge design. Learn more about modifying each section of your badge setup. You can preview your work at any time.
  4. Click Save.
Step 6 - Delete a name badge design Back to Top
You can permanently delete a badge design from the list of available designs.
  1. From the Administration section of the Registrar service, choose Name Badges.
  2. Click Delete. The badge design is permanently removed from the database.

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